Suez, Mainstream, 2011

Mainstream consists of a network of intelligent Mainstream fountains and bottles to encourage people to hydrate themselves.

The Mainstream concept consists of a network of intelligent Mainstream fountains, which are located around the city in public traffic junctions, universities and offices to mention but a few. The user buys the Mainstream stainless steel bottle from the store instead of the plastic ones. That bottle can be filled from the Mainstream fountains, which recognize the bottle and its user via RFID technology, which also allows for electronic billing. In addition, it enables the users to get instant feedback about the environmental and economical impacts of their actions. That positive impact can be magnified with voluntary donation programs, which help make the difference on the societal level. In a nutshell, Mainstream offers the users an innovative, easy and sustainable way of hydrating themselves. But most of all, it encourages them to do the right thing and feel good about themselves.