Carvajal, Music Blox, 2013

Music Blox is a physical music sequencer that aims to help children develop their creativity.

Creativity is an abstract term, but in a nutshell it means the ability to create new things – ideas, solutions, uses, stories, music, pictures… or to add value to existing things. All people are creative – some more, some less,but we all need creativity during the journeys of our lives. We need it for example to solve different problems we are facing or just to create something entertaining for ourselves or others. Carvajal, a Colombian company manufacturing educational and entertaining tools for kids, asked the team to develop new solutions to support the creativity of children between ages 0 and 12, with a focus on the Latino-American market.

Music Blox is a concept that aims to develop the creativity of children by creating an experience that stimulates most of the traditional human senses, like hearing, touch and vision. In addition, the concept is connected to the senses that are less often considered as senses: a sense of time and kinesthetic sense. Kinesthesia is the awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body, and it is a key component in muscle memory and hand-eye coordination. Music Blox can be considered as most easy or fun way to make music; a way of learning to write, to read or to calculate; a way to support story-telling; an inspiring way to build objects; a way for visually or audibly impaired people to create music – or possibly in the future – a professional music making tool.